President- Presides at all meetings of the PTO Board and the PTO at large; coordinates and lends support to all other members of the Executive Committee and Board; shall attend or send a representative to all CISD PTO Presidents’ meetings once a month and give reports to the Board; shall serve as the liaison promoting the objectives of the PTO organization.
Vice President- Shall preside at meetings in absences of the President. Shall develop agenda for Executive Board Meetings as needed. Responsible for review of quarterly reconciliation of bank statements. This position also leads the sponsorship and business fundraising charge!
Secretary- Shall be responsible for recording and distribution of minutes at all PTO meetings. confirms quorum is/is not present. Shall make copies of organizations By-Laws available to all members and have available for consultation at all meetings. Shall advise on questions of parliamentary law and method of procedure according to the edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised when requested.
Treasurer- Responsible for general bookkeeping, timely deposits and issuing checks; coordinates handling and counting money for all fundraising activities; provides monthly financial statement to the PTO Board and prepares all required tax forms.
Treasurer Elect- assists Treasurer; to comply with insurance conditions, reviews monthly bank statements with monthly financial statements that the Treasurer has prepared; does not have check signing authority; will move into Treasurer Position the following term.
School Supplies - Coordinates class supply lists with teachers and vendor; orders class school supply packets from vendor; organizes and staffs volunteers for the school supply sale in August, coordinates the delivery of school supplies to student’s appropriate classroom.
Enrichment Programs - Works closely with staff and within a budget provided by the PTO to bring special programs to Wilson throughout the year that enhance curriculum and are age appropriate.
Reading Buddy Program - Works with teachers to determine their student’s mentor needs; enlists and coordinates parents and community members to serve as mentors.
Health and Welfare - Organize projects for the school such as the Wilson Ranger Salad Bar, Project ACES and other events/programs aligned with health and wellness. Work with the school counselor, nurse, student council, Green Team, CISD Chef and Principal to meet the special needs of Wilson students at large. Also coordinates financial hardship cases with the appropriate PTO Board Coordinators and teachers when necessary.
Yearbook - Coordinates photography, design, publication and sale of school yearbook. Time at school limited to distributing order forms and approval forms, some time needed to take photos.
Wilson Wear - orders and handles sales of Wilson Wear throughout the year as well as any additional Spirit Wear. Decorates and maintains the WilsonWear display case.
Staff Appreciation -Arranges for various staff appreciation activities during specified weeks; plans, organizes, and coordinates volunteers to carry out activities for Teacher Appreciation Week. Time at school limited to the Teacher Appreciation Week, and to deliver items to be distributed during staff appreciation days. Plans, organizes and coordinates volunteers to help with food/refreshments for staff birthday luncheon celebrations twice per year in the staff lounge.
Newsletter - Prepares PTO weekly email newsletter to be sent out every Monday, the Ranger Post, for publication using online PTO software called PTOconnect; writes articles and solicits information every week from coordinators for inclusion in newsletter.
Publicity - Responsible for promoting goodwill, community involvement and awareness by submitting articles and pictures of events at Wilson to local newspapers; responsible for bulletin boards located in the entry way, front hall and in the front hallway near Kindergarten hall. Coordinate (with the advice of Principal/Asst Principal) updates on Wilson social media, such as Facebook. Time at school limited to decorating bulletin boards or attending school functions to take pictures.
Ranger Posse – coordinates the Dad’s Club at Wilson including morning greet days in carpool lines, turkey collection day, Dad’s Club fundraisers and any other activities as determined by the Posse.
Hospitality - Coordinates PTO or school events that require refreshments and organizes and coordinates volunteers to help with each event. These events include: Teacher’s Back to School luncheon, Boo Hoo/Yahoo Breakfast, Holiday Luncheon, End of the Year Luncheon, Open House and other events, if applicable.
Membership ToolKit Administrator - Manage the Wilson PTO website. Ensures PayPal transactions and all forms are filtering properly. Runs reports for coordinators to ensure proper accountability and inventory.
Book Fair - Organizes & coordinates a fall and spring book fair. Coordinates with vendor for product; set up and pick up; oversees pre- book fair activities; recruits and schedules volunteers, coordinates with teachers for class viewing; and works closely with school Librarian.
Wilson Fest Committee Chair - Oversees all aspects of Wilson Fest planning, implementing, and execution of the event with the respective coordinators (Food Court, Games, Silent Auction, Room Parent Coordinator, Publicity, etc…).
Field Day - Plans and organizes the annual Field Day in the spring, including events and scheduling volunteers.
Fundraising Coordinator - Responsible for innovative fundraising projects and other revenue opportunities to supplement our Fall Fundraiser, Spring Fun Run and Wilson Fest. Communicates with RevTrak coordinator.
Fundraising Rewards – Responsible for informing, collecting and sending in BoxTops to help generate additional revenue for PTO. Give out award prizes to winning grades. Manages other reward programs such as Amazon Smiles, Tom Thumb rewards, Target RED purchases, etc.
Restaurant Spirit Nights – Plan, advertise and coordinate spirit nights at local restaurants.
Color Fun Run - Coordinates with chosen fun run contractor to facilitate spring fundraising event. Involves helping in scheduling volunteers during run and money collection afterwards.
If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 3
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
- Monday, April 7
Helpful Links
Mr. Hilton’s Back to School Guide
Wilson Elementary Website
Coppell ISD Website
Wilson’s School Supply list 2024/25
Attention Shoppers!
Do you shop at Amazon, Tom Thumb or Kroger?
These stores give back to our school - check it out HERE!
Online Directory
Campus Connections
Coppell High School
CHS 9th Grade Campus
New Tech High @ Coppell
CMS East
CMS North
CMS West
Austin Elementary
Cottonwood Creek Elementary
Canyon Ranch Elementary
Denton Creek Elementary
Lakeside Elementary
Lee Elementary
Mockingbird Elementary
Pinkerton Elementary
Town Center Elementary
Valley Ranch Elementary
Wilson Elementary