We've compiled a list of common questions.  We are here to help!  If you have more questions or think one needs to be added here, please email: wilsonrangers20@yahoo.com.


WHAT IS RISE AND SHINE? School colors are red, white and blue and our mascot is the Ranger! Every Friday is RISE AND SHINE.   Every Friday students are encouraged to wear a Wilson t-shirt to show their Wilson Spirit!  Each class will plan and execute a RISE AND SHINE.  This includes reciting the Wilson Creed, Understanding the life principle of the week, laughing at the Joke of the Day, and recognizing the wonderful principles that are exhibited each day at Wilson.  Parents are welcomed to attend (7:50-8:30am)


HOW DO WE STAY CONNECTED AND INFORMED? WIlson school information is distributed to the entire school every week on Mondays via:  Wilson PTO Newsletter. Class or Grade specific information will also be sent out via classroom folders and emails from your teachers and room parents.  This year we are adding Membership Toolkit to improve communications.  You will be invited to join on our website by your students teachers and any other special organizations you may join.  Our website will be the tool for school wide, grade wide and classroom communications, the calendar and volunteer sign ups.  Make sure you have added your family information on this website, www.wilsonpto.membershiptoolkit.com, so we can send you our weekly newsletter!


WHAT AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE? There are after school programs at Wilson.  The YMCA offers after school care at Wilson. We also have several clubs that meet regularly once a week. Please contact Wilson office fore more information. 214.496.7500


HOW DO I GET INVOLVED AT WILSON? Wilson has a very active PTO and we welcome your involvement in any way.  Volunteer opportunities can be found on our website at www.wilsonpto.membershiptoolkit.com.    PTO meetings are open to all Ranger families.  All parents are members of the PTO.  These meetings are a great way to learn more about what is going on and ways to get involved.  Questions or comments?  Email us at wilsonrangers2017@gmail.com.  We also have an AWESOME Dads Club that helps throughout the year.  Dads can sign up through the Volunteer Opportunities on this site.  More information on the Ranger Posse can be found here: Ranger Posse


WILSON ON THE WEB: The Wilson Elementary school website is http://coppellisd.com/wilson.  The Wilson Elementary PTO website is www.wilsonpto.membershiptoolkit.com. Both are full of valuable information pertaining to the school and its many activities both school and PTO sponsored.  Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook:  Wilson Elementary PTO, and follow Wilson Eementary school on Facebook and on twitter:  @gowilsonrangers


WHAT ARE RESTAURANT NIGHTS? Several restaurants in our community partner with us throughout the year to give back to our school.  These nights are advertised in the school newsletter and calendar.  It is a great way to see some Wilson families, take a night off from cooking and help raise money for Wilson.  A certain percentage of sales that night will go back to our school.


WHEN DO REPORT CARDS GO OUT?  Report cards are handed out every nine weeks. 


WHAT ARE THE LUNCH PROCEDURES?  Make sure to sign in at the office and make sure to leave yourself time to do so (we have to have record of your visit).  The teachers usually prefer that you wait a couple of weeks to visit for lunch at the beginning of school. 


WHAT DO I DO IF I HAVE A SICK CHILD?  Sick notes must be turned in within 5 days of an absence and the child must be fever, vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours upon returning.  Remember, you don't have to call when your child is absent...just send in a note when they return to school.


WHERE DOES OUR FUNDRAISING MONEY GO?  The PTO raises money on behalf of Wilson.  We give 100% of the funds back to the school. Two Book Fairs, Color Run, Box Tops and the Amazon portal, to name a few, are all ways that we raised funds for our school. These funds supported the field trips, technology, our new outdoor classroom, the Ranger garden and garden improvements, library programs, and programs throughout the year.