Drop-off, Dismissal and
Traffic Patterns:


Morning Drop-off/Arrival: 
Morning Arrival is from 7:20-7:40. Learners should not be dropped-off prior to 7:20 as staff are not on duty, and they will be unsupervised.

  • Please stay in your car and pull up as far as you can before letting your child out of the car.
  • Children need to exit the car on the passenger side only.
Early Childhood - 1st Grade
  • Please use the Front Loop for drop-off. Staff will be on-duty to greet learners.
  • Learners will enter through the end of A Hall (closest to the small playground) and will go straight to class.
  • If your child is unable to get out of the car independently, you should park and walk them across the crosswalk.
2nd - 5th Grade
  • Please use the Side Loop for drop-off. Staff will be on-duty to greet learners.
  • Learners will enter through the Side Door and will go straight to class.
Breakfast will continue to be available in the Cafe!
All campus doors will lock at the end of morning arrival. For any families arriving late, parents should call the front office to be let in.
Afternoon Pick-up/Dismissal: 
Please be sure to communicate with your teacher how your child will go home each day. 
  • If your child is a walker, please wait under the tree near the front of the school and a staff member will bring all of the walkers out together.
  • Early Childhood - 1st Grade will be picked up from the Front Loop.
  • 2nd - 5th Grade will dismiss through the Side Loop.
  • Please stay in your car and pull up as far as you can before letting your child into the car.
  • Children need to enter the car on the passenger side only.
 *All parents picking up Car Riders should have a sign indicating their child's name and grade level. A "car tag" with your child's name will be sent home on the 1st day.



Change in Exiting Wilson

Please note the updated traffic patterns for exiting Wilson Elementary. 
  • Front Loop - Right Turn Only during Arrival & Dismissal
  • Side Loop - Left Turn Only during Arrival & Dismissal